“When we take responsibility for the choices we make regarding health, we give ourselves the best opportunity to achieve all of our health goals.”


During our busy day-to-day lives, we experience many different forms of stress. These include physical stress (accidents, falls, lifting heavy objects), chemical stress (processed foods, medications, water pollution) and emotional stress (children, work, relationships).

During times of stress, the vertebrae of the spine can misalign and interfere with the healthy communication of the nerve messages between the brain and body. Disruption to the nervous system will inevitably result in some form of body dysfunction. This could mean that the body’s tissues, organs and glands are either over worked or under worked, which can ultimately lead to disease.

For over 125 years, chiropractors have empowered people to understand that every function of the body is controlled and directed through the nervous system. Health comes from within. When the nervous system is clear from any interference and the communication from the brain to the tissues, organs and glands is 100%, the body is able to function normally and express health.

It is important to remember that children also experience stress just as adults do. Their days are jam-packed with school, homework, sports activities, music, spending time with friends, poor diets and social media. As with adults, stress can affect the way a child’s body functions. Stress in children can lead to lowered immunity, making them more susceptible to common illnesses like ear infections, headaches and common colds. Nerves and anxiety can affect their digestive systems, and emotional stress or trauma can have a lasting impact on a child if left untreated.

One of the most commonly affected areas of the body when it comes to stress is the jaw. Oftentimes people will wake with jaw pain from clenching their jaw during their sleep. This not only affects the jaw, but also the surrounding cranial bones of the skull. TMJ corrections and cranio-sacral therapy are vital in the management of stress, as these areas can have a direct impact on two of the most important nerves in your entire body - the vagus and trigeminal nerves.

The stress hormone cortisol is released from the adrenal glands during times of stress. Unfortunately, due to our busy lifestyles, cortisol is released much more regularly and in much higher quantities than it should be. This impacts the hormonal system, immune system, digestive system and reproductive system. Ever wonder why you’re always sick when you’re stressed?

When we are stressed, our sympathetic nervous system takes over, creating a fight or flight response. Your heart rate and respiration rate increase, and blood is sent to the limbs so that you can fight or run. This is a normal response if you are fleeing from a tiger in the jungle, but not when you’re at home or work.

To rest, digest and grow, our parasympathetic nervous system must take over and send blood to the organs and glands. This is one of the reasons why many women struggle to fall pregnant. Their bodies are under so much stress that they are no longer able to conceive.

Chiropractic adjustments are a great way to release stress and anxiety from your body. Removing interference from your nervous system gives your body the ability to heal and function normally. Regular chiropractic adjustments have been shown to improve your overall health and prevent problems from recurring in the future.

My treatment is different because I use Applied Kinesiology. As well as TMJ corrections and cranio-sacral therapy, I may also perform meridian therapy, visceral (organ) therapy and emotional corrections. Oftentimes, I will prescribe various nutritional supplements to help your body cope with stress, and I will make various dietary recommendations so that you are fuelling your body properly to restore your health.

Optimal health is one of our most valuable possessions. We should value ourselves enough to strive for the highest level of health. When we take responsibility for the choices we make regarding health, we give ourselves the best opportunity to achieve all of our health goals.