“My sole focus is to help children be as happy and healthy as possible, so that they can reach their full potential in life.”
The skull and spine of a newborn is extremely delicate, which is why it is so important for babies to get their skull and spines checked following birth.
The birth process is one of the most traumatic experiences a baby can go through, as the newborn’s neck can be stretched up to twice its normal length. Forceps and ventouse (vacuum) extraction will increase the stress on the spine and cause dysfunction of the cranial bones of the skull.
A caesarean section prevents the newborn from passing through the birth canal, which aids in correctly moulding the skull. It also often creates problems with the neck and shoulders when the baby is forcibly removed from the mother’s womb.
Some of the more common problems that may arise from the birth process include reflux, colic, plagiocephaly (flat head syndrome), ear infections, difficulty latching and feeding, constipation or diarrhoea, and disturbed sleep patterns.
Helping babies is one of the most rewarding things I could ever do. There is nothing better than helping a baby sleep more, feed better or grow properly. With babies, my treatment is very different to that of an adult.
My treatment may include gentle pressure corrections along the spine to release areas of dysfunction, precise cranio-sacral therapy and Retained Neonatal Reflexes. My sole focus is to help children be as happy and healthy as possible, so that they can reach their full potential in life.